CollPoll partners with Manahwellness to create digital wellness center for institutions Read More

Emotional Wellbeing Center For Your Institution

CollPoll and Manah Wellness have joined hands to help progressive higher educational institutions build a culture of well-being by creating a digital wellness center to tackle mental health issues and provide a safe space to students and teachers

Wellness Program

Come onboard and conduct wellness check for your institution to boost the happiness index

Want to know the wellbeing status of your students?

Get a free assessment and wellbeing report along with a customized wellness program

Emotional Well-being Guide

Here's a mini knowledge guide to help you support students in times of emotional distress and breakdowns. Reach out to know wellbeing status of your students.

How to Help Your Students Become More Mentally Resilient

Resilience is a crucial life skill and can be taught. As a teacher or student mentor, there are various techniques you can use to help students become more mentally resilient.

Provide Emotional First Aid to a Student in Distress

Student life is full of pressures and educators and student mentors are well aware of this fact. Given how closely they work with students, it is imperative for these professionals to spot the signs

How Colleges Can Support Students’ Mental Health

Starting college is a milestone in any student’s life. Moving away from home, learning to be independent on a budget, adjusting to a new environment, and keeping up with the academic curriculum can all be valuable learning experiences. 

Helping Students Deal with Exam Stress

Students are already struggling with high competition, weight of expectations and exams should not add to this stress. Educators, therefore, play an important role in helping students cope with exam stress.

Trusted By Best Institutions

Go Digital In your Campus 

Why Become a Digital-Smart Campus?

Do you know who is teaching what, where and when? Do you know who is coming in or going out of the campus? Do you know what food students love or hate? Do you know what's exactly happening in your institution?

Become a Digital Campus with CollPoll

Get every information at your fingertips and know what's exactly happening in your Institution like back of your hand. CollPoll give real-time detailed reports and analytics that are customizable as per your needs.

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